Revered as the best teahouse in Singapore, and a "must-do" here in the Lion City, Yixing Xuan Teahouse, takes pride in providing an elegant one-stop haven for the thirsty adventurer. Vincent Low, a former banker, founded this Teahouse in 1989. Back then, he was an avid coffee aficionado until a friend introduced him to the joys of appreciating Chinese tea. Realizing he needed a life change, Vincent headed off to China and Taiwan to study tea and has never looked back.
Like her father before her, Charlene joined the banking industry after graduation. Nine years later, she realized that banking wasn’t her cup of tea and following in her father’s footsteps, joined him in spreading the joys of tea appreciation.
Today, the team at the family-run Teahouse take turns conducting internationally popular Tea Appreciation workshops. They will show you the joy and beauty of brewing and enjoying an exquisite pot of tea, and educating you on the plethora of benefits that comes with drinking tea.